Mona Fixdal

Functional Lead
Associate Director for Online Education, The McGraw Center
Office Phone
237 Lewis Science Library

Mona Fixdal is the functional lead on the Canvas implementation project, responsible for planning and coordinating activities involving transition support and tracking, instructional design consulting, user communications, training and support. She also oversees the online learning group in McGraw and leads course development projects and coordinates resources in support of curricular projects. She works with faculty to plan and develop online and blended courses, and assists faculty with the improvement of instructional strategies. She also acts as a liaison between faculty and course/video production staff in determining the appropriate method of content delivery and assessment. 

Mona Fixdal has a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Oslo, though much of her graduate course work was done as a Fulbright fellow at Yale University. She is the author of Just Peace: How Wars should End, as well as a number of chapters and articles on postwar justice and third-party mediation.